Power Washing Services in Bronxville, NY
Revitalize the look of your home or business with our professional power-washing services. We use high-quality equipment and eco-friendly techniques to safely remove dirt, grime, and mildew from various surfaces. Trust us to enhance your property’s curb appeal and maintain its pristine condition efficiently.
Our Professional Power Washing Services
At H&K Contracting Services, we understand that the appearance and maintenance of your property reflect directly on your personal or professional image. Our power washing techniques are tailored to protect and enhance your property’s aesthetic appeal. Whether revitalizing the facade of your building, cleaning walkways or restoring decks and patios, our aim is to bring your property back to its original brilliance. H&K Contracting Services is committed to sustainability. We use eco-friendly cleaning solutions and methods that effectively remove unwanted residues without harming the environment or risking the health of your community.
Our all-inclusive Power Washing Services include:
H&K Contracting Services ensures your property always looks its best with our comprehensive power washing solutions. we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional results that not only clean but also preserve and enhance the value of your property. Contact us today to schedule a service and see the difference professional power washing can make!

Over time, dirt, grime, and algae can accumulate on your home’s exterior, diminishing its appeal and potentially damaging its surfaces. Our house washing service uses gentle yet effective techniques to clean your siding, restoring your home’s pristine appearance without risking damage to your property.

Concrete wash
and seal
Our concrete wash and seal service not only cleans your driveways, walkways, and other concrete surfaces but also protects them. After thoroughly washing the concrete to remove stains and buildup, we apply a high-quality sealer to prevent future stains and deterioration, enhancing the longevity and beauty of your concrete surfaces.

Keep your deck looking new with our professional deck washing services. Whether it’s wood, composite, or vinyl, our specialized cleaning agents and equipment are designed to remove stains, dirt, and residues without harming the deck material. Regular washing can also prevent rot and prolong the life of your deck.

Enjoy a clean and welcoming patio with our dedicated patio washing service. We remove dirt, mildew, and unwanted residues from all types of patio materials, from pavers to bricks, ensuring that your outdoor living spaces remain beautiful and inviting for family gatherings and relaxation.

A clean fence can significantly enhance your property’s curb appeal. Our fence washing service targets all types of fencing materials, effectively removing dirt, mold, and algae and restoring the original look of your fence without causing damage.
Contact Us
For personalized solutions and expert advice on your next renovation project, don’t hesitate to contact us—we’re here to help bring your vision to life.